Week 3 vs Lindhurst Jr Blazers Game time:
JPW 10am / Arrival 8:30 am / Cheer Arrival 9amPW 12 pm / Arrival 10:00 am / Cheer Arrival 11amM 2 pm / Arrival 2:30 pm / JM & M Cheer Arrival 1pm
-track & Field Practice starts Feb 11 at NP3's dirt track located at
3700 Del Paso Road
Sacramento, CA 95834
from 5:30-6:30 pm Tues-thurs
-Girls Flag season will kick off Apr 6
-coming Apr 6
7 vs 7 league
-Football and cheer registration is now open
Thank you to our sponsor Pump & Dump for their donation in supporting the program and its efforts to provide our youth a place to participate in youth sports.